Mumbai Local Central Train Timings changed due to Vande Bharat Express trains

Mumbai Local Train

The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) to Shirdi and CSMT to Solapur Vande Bharat Express trains recently become operational.

The schedule of local trains has been impacted with the recent start of the Vande Bharat Express one of the famous and cutting-edge trains operated and managed by the Indian Railways from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Station (CSMT) to Solapur and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Station (CSMT) to Shirdi.

There are currently 10 Vande Bharat trains running, linking 108 districts in 17 states.

The schedule of local trains has now been altered amid growing complaints and confusion.

A list of several existing Main Line suburban trains that have had their timetables modified or updated has been made public by Central Railways (CR).

Below, we give you the most recent train timetable.

You may find the updated suburban timetable for the main line at 17.02.2023.pdf

StationDeparture FromEarlier TimeNew TimeArrivingArriving TimeNew Arriving Time
T-3 ThaneCSMT05:04 Hours05:00 HoursThane05:55 Hours 
CK-1 KalyanVidyavihar05.39 hours05.34 hoursKalyan06.31hours 
N-5 KasaraCSMT05.00 hours05.07 hoursKasara07.46 hours 
A-41 AmbernathCSMT16.05 hours16.08 hoursAmbernath17.24 hours 
K-83 KalyanCSMT16.10 hours16.11 hoursKalyan17.19 hours 
AN-19 AsangaonThane16.17 hours       CSMT16.56 hours16.55 hours
T-76 CSMTThane11.37 hours11.36 hoursCSMT12.34 hours 
N-14 CSMTKasara10.13 hours10.18 hoursCSMT12.40 hours 
S-24 CSMTKarjat10.45 hours CSMT12.44 hours12.40 hours
A-32 CSMTAmbernath11.37 hours11.38 hoursCSMT12.54 hours 
BL-24 CSMTBadlapur11.23 hours11.25 hoursCSMT13.19 hours 

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