Navi Mumbai: No water cut on 30th May

Recent information from the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) indicates that the anticipated water cut at Kamothe node on Tuesday, the 30th of May 2023, has been postponed and that the households will continue to receive regular water supply.

The water supply in sectors 1–11 and 33–36 of Navi Mumbai was expected to be disrupted for at least 12 hours on May 30 due to maintenance work being done by the Navi Mumbai civic body, the CIDCO (City and Industrial Development Corporation) had previously warned. Additionally, the following day, May 31, a low-pressure supply was also announced.

The Bhokarpada WTP was to be closed because municipal workers were going to work on the main supply line between Morbe Dam and Digha. As part of the preparations for the monsoon, the repairs were to be made.

The city’s people were warned by the local leaders to stockpile enough water in advance and utilize it wisely. As soon as the work is finished, the supply will restart, according to the officials, earlier. Tankers of water were to be on hand in case of an emergency.

Recent water supply interruptions have been caused by many pipe breaches that have occurred during the past few months. The locals have been grumbling about what they perceive to be civic indifference and requesting that the authorities find a long-term solution to their water problems.

The region-wise rationing scheme has resulted in a weekday supply interruption for the residents of Navi Mumbai. Residents complained that cutting off the water supply without making alternative plans was problematic for the populace.

Only 30% of the dam’s stock, which can last until the first week of August, is present, according to the NMMC study. The city council will prefer additional limiting of water supplies in the event of a delayed monsoon.

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