In a devastating incident during the construction of the third phase of Samruddhi Highway, a crane collapse resulted in the loss of at least 17 lives and left several others …
Mumbai-Nagpur Samruddhi Mahamarg
On Monday, a car carrying three passengers crashed into a guardrail on Buldhana’s Samruddhi Highway near Deulgaon and caught fire, according to the police. The image of the vehicle after the …
On Monday, a girder of an overbridge that is still being built on the Mumbai Nagpur Samruddhi Corridor collapsed close to the village of Belgaon Tarhale in Igatpuri, according to …
Between Shirdi and Bharvir in Nashik, an additional 80 kilometres of Mumbai-Nagpur Samruddhi Mahamarg will be ready for public use next month. Drivers would be permitted to accelerate at 120 …